Not many drivers realize that their financing choice can impact their monthly payments and total costs just as much as the vehicle’s price.
While getting a car loan from your bank might seem like the obvious choice, you have options – including financing directly through an authorized dealership like Medlin Mazda. This is especially good news for buyers with less-than-perfect credit throughout Wilson, Rocky Mount, and the Raleigh area.
Our financing team can help you explore both bank and dealership financing to find the option that best fits your financial situation.
We’ll walk you through the advantages of each choice so you can make an informed decision.
Have questions about your financing options? Contact us today!
Finding the best place to get a car loan means taking into consideration your financial situation as well as personal preference. In-house financing seems to be the simplest form of financing, which is why many Wake Forest drivers choose this option.
Do you know where to get a car loan with bad credit? This tends to be easier through the dealership as well.
Weigh the pros and cons of both options to find out which is right for you:
Our finance team is here to take the hassle out of car loan shopping. When you’re ready to talk over your loan options, learn how to trade in a car, or find new vehicle specials to help you save more, contact us!
Ready to get the process started? Apply for financing online.